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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting Rid of Man Boobs

Getting Rid of Man Boobs

Many women want larger, more full breasts… but many men don’t, but they are still uncomfortable with a “womanly bosom”. That is unless it happens to belong to there girlfriend or wife. It can be very embarrassing and passing a set of man boobs off as pecs just doesn’t work. A large amount of men suffer from these “man boobs”. It is estimated that 20-30% of men experience this phenomena known as man boobs and it tends to be much more common in older, over weight men, although it can affect many of any age and weight. Odds are if you have these “man boobs” you are probably trying to find a way to turn your “boobs” into pecs.

Many doctors concur that “man boobs” can be caused by a variety of factors, but the foremost cause is due to an unhealthy or poor diet. Most often men who eat a lot of fatty foods on a daily basis are at an elevated risk of developing a set of well rounded breasts. This is because those fatty foods cause fat to be deposited within the chest area. This can be reversed naturally via exercise

If you are interested in losing your man boobs, then one of the most imperative things that you are mandatory to do is to get an abundance of exercise. Lifting weights is a very good way to work the upper segment of your body and become firmer, which means a more defined chest for you… and no more man boobs. Remember to keep in mind that lifting weights and performing strength endurance exercises alone will not do it, to purge yourself of your man boobs, no matter what your age is, it is important to take part in cardio or aerobic exercise along with a healthy diet. This will help you shed the pounds covering your pecs and until you are able to lose that fat, the odds of your man boobs ever disappearing completely are very low.

So continue your exercise regiment and try to eat a healthy, well balanced diet and before you know it your man boobs will melt away. Add some weight lifting to that routine and sure enough you will have a nice set of firm pecs to replace those saggy man boobs you used to have. Weight loss takes time, there is no magic secret to losing weight quickly, in fact losing too much weight over a short period of time can be very unhealthy. So don’t get frustrated when after 2 weeks you haven’t seen the results you want.

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