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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

patio door security

Patio Door Security

Everybody wants security and peace of mind when it comes down to protecting you and your family. A sliding patio door offers little in the way of benefits besides the obvious aesthetics. Proper patio door security is vital. Did you know that over 50% percent of burglars enter through the patio door? Every home own should keep this in mind. Don’t worry though, with proper patio door security we can greatly reduce the risk of someone breaking into your home.

Many home owners make use of a patio door security bars. Some may even add additional locks the patio door. Either of these methods would probably be more than adequate security unless you live in a city with a higher than average rate of crime.

Patio door security bars have proven to be an extremely effective technique to help secure your home. This idea actually originated from the old trick of placing a broom stick or similar item in the runner of the sliding door to prevent it from being forced opened from outside the house. This old time “quick fix” has evolved into a rapidly expanding market of home security tools. These tools are much more secure than the older methods and add a great deal of security to your home.

You should still have a durable, reliable security lock on the patio door. Do not use the security bar as the sole means of securing the patio door. It is meant to be used as a form of extra security. If you have a patio door you should consider upgrading your standard locks. These locks are usually quite fragile and can often times be broken when pressure is sometimes applied. There are a large variety of locks on the market. Sometimes a highly visible lock may be necessary. This alone will often deter burglars. A majority of modern security locks have an almost effortless installation process.

These are two measures in increasing your patio door security. Both methods are extremely affordable and easy to do yourself. This is great for anyone on a limited budget. If you live in an area with an extremely high rate of crime I would highly recommend replacing your glass door with one that has wire mesh embedded. This will stop the glass from shattering when a burglar tries to break in.

There are a range of methods to securing your patio door and a variety of solutions based on every budget. For most homeowners upgrading your locks and purchasing a security bar is all that is required for more than adequate home security.

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